when transfiguration wasn't

By Bryan Wolfmueller

#SundayDriveHome #sdh The transfiguration of Jesus is a key moment of the Gospel texts. Jesus unveils the glory of his divine nature to Peter, James, and John, but he warns them to keep the vision a secret until after his resurrection from the dead. What is the transfiguration about? ... Ride home from church with Pastor Wolfmueller, and hear his meandering thoughts on the Sunday, the Scriptures, and the world. If you hear something interesting, mention the time in the comments. Don't forget to subscribe. The bookstore (where almost everything is free): http://www.wolfmueller.co/books/ To sign up for Pastor Wolfmueller's free weekly email of theological awesomeness called "Wednesday What-Not", visit http://www.wolfmueller.co/Wednesday. (Every month we give away a free book to a subscriber!) All the theological awesomeness ends up on the blog: http://www.wolfmueller.co Music: DJ Quads "Cruise Around" https://youtu.be/Fo9sXlIG5Yo

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