Lutheran vs Baptists on questions of BAPTISM

By Bryan Wolfmueller

#stopandgotheology I got an email from if you are asking about the difference between the lutherans and the Baptist's on the doctrine of baptism, and what makes baptism valid. Baptists don't consider Lutheran baptism to be valid, but do Lutheran's consider Baptists to be baptized? Is it the same with baptism and the Lord's supper? Seize the time, the traffic is evil.  Pastor Wolfmueller responds to your thoughts and questions as he weaves his way through Austin traffic. We're all in this mess together. You keep the conversation going! Jump in and comment. Don't forget to subscribe. The bookstore (where almost everything is free):  To sign up for Pastor Wolfmueller's free weekly email of theological awesomeness called "Wednesday What-Not", visit (Every month we give away a free book to a subscriber!) All the theological awesomeness ends up on the blog:

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