#MartyrMonday: Philoromus & Phileas, African Martyrs

By Bryan Wolfmueller

Everybody needs heroes. The martyrs are the Christian's heroes. These are the Saints that have gone before us and endured suffering and the loss of all things for the sake of confessing Christ. And they did this joyful, committing themselves to God and praying for those who persecuted them. #martyrmonday tells their story to fill us with courage and remind us that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. Find all the #MartyrMonday stories here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDuiZ9TONKRTRCvaV0NDVJ63LpLL7Xhjl Eusebius Church History (free download): https://g.co/kgs/MckRv6 Eusebius Church History (buy the book): http://www.lulu.com/shop/eusebius/eusebius-church-history/paperback/product-24229938.html To sign up for Pastor Wolfmueller's free weekly email of theological awesomeness called "Wednesday What-Not", visit http://www.wolfmueller.co/Wednesday. All the theological awesomeness ends up on the blog: http://www.wolfmueller.co. The bookstore (where almost everything is free): http://www.wolfmueller.co/books/.

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