#martyrmonday • St. Agatha (235-250)

By Bryan Wolfmueller

Here's the story of St. Agatha, killed for her faith in 250 AD. St. Agatha was one of Luther's favorite martyrs. We hear what he thinks about her. Find all the #MartyrMonday stories here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDuiZ9TONKRTRCvaV0NDVJ63LpLL7Xhjl To sign up for Pastor Wolfmueller's free weekly email of theological awesomeness called "Wednesday What-Not", visit http://www.wolfmueller.co/Wednesday. All the theological awesomeness ends up on the blog: http://www.wolfmueller.co. The bookstore (where almost everything is free): http://www.wolfmueller.co/books/.

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